{Friday, February 24, 2006
Farewell NUS - by Claire
Dear All,
I’m writing this in a backpacker’s hostel in Darwin. Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everybody who came to see me off or called me to wish me farewell. It was overwhelming. I didn’t know if I was more happy or sad to see all of you!
I regret that it was all very rushed towards the end, and there wasn’t enough time for photos. I’ll always remember the “grand exit” though, and the way some of you plastered your faces to the glass afterwards. :b
The sadness didn’t hit me until the plane began its descent into Darwin. All the memories of the past year swelled up as I bit into the kaya toast a sister thoughtfully bought. (Hmm..sounds familiar?) That little piece of Singapore in a foreign land brought back the times I spent with the NUS brothers and sisters: the laboriously planned birthdays, hilarious skits of Gen Acts Idol, all nighters are the engine study room during exam season, Dota at HQ, raucous CNY celebrations at PGP, fun experimentations in the kitchen and moments shared with individual brothers and sisters. The tears finally came (Yes, to those of you who were disappointed at the airport), and to my embarrassment, several more times when I was wandering alone in the city.
It was during those times when God reminded me of one truth: He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, and He is always with you. Even though people will inevitably enter and exit our lives, He stays the same, and will never leave you.
Lastly, I want to thank you for one year of precious memories. I’ll always treasure them. I’m going to miss every one of you!
In His love,
Claire 21/2/06
P.S- Would love to see the dream of starting a café become a reality some day!
NUS Unit A10:40 PM
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{Monday, February 20, 2006
Dear brothers and sisters,
our sister, Claire, has just departed from Singapore back home to Brisbane today at 10.50pm to complete her university education.
Let us pray that she will carry on enjoying God's blessing when she gets back to Brisbane and that she will continue to serve God with all her heart wherever she may be in the future. And we wish her all the best, in her walk with God, her studies and her future career. Let us also hope that we will be able to see her again in the near future.
NUS Unit A11:59 PM
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{Sunday, February 12, 2006
Dear brothers and sisters,
our dear sister, Kaiqin, just left Singapore for her SEP this morning at 11.35am. Please do keep her in prayers and may the Lord protect her over all the obstacles she will face in Beijing.
Also, the blog naming competition is up, as you all would have heard from the care leaders. You all can start submiting your suggestions for a new domain name now. The dateline for submission will be announced later on.
By the way, feedbacks have also been received for the template. Please rest assured that something will be done about it.
NUS Unit A11:09 PM
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{Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Newly set up
Good day and welcome.
This is a newly set up blog for Hope Singapore, NUS Unit A, where announcements can be made online, testimonies can be posted online and teachings can be published online.
NUS Unit A8:43 PM
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